Year 10 MAT Academic Insights Day
Fourteen year 10 MAT (More Able and Talented) students visited Exeter College for the Academic Insights Day today. Students listened to speakers talk about A-levels
Fourteen year 10 MAT (More Able and Talented) students visited Exeter College for the Academic Insights Day today. Students listened to speakers talk about A-levels
It was a busy week of rugby fixtures last week. Mr Morell has provided a report for the week: It’s been a fantastic week of
The 2025 netball season is well underway with a very full match diary for the next few months. Our first match of the season was
Fourteen year 10 MAT (More Able and Talented) students visited Exeter College for the Academic Insights Day today. Students listened to speakers talk about A-levels
It was a busy week of rugby fixtures last week. Mr Morell has provided a report for the week: It’s been a fantastic week of
The 2025 netball season is well underway with a very full match diary for the next few months. Our first match of the season was
This week we held our Class of 2024 Celebration Event. Thank you to all of the former year 11 students and their families who attended
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We warmly welcome all current year 6 students and their families to our annual Year 6 Open Evening.
Tuesday 8th October 5pm – 7pm.
No booking required.