Tiverton High School

Dear Parents/Carers

We are hugely proud of the achievement of our students and Tiverton High School is truly at the heart of our community.  We believe education should empower young people, giving them the knowledge to make sense of the world and grow into citizens who make a difference.  This must be supported by a curriculum that gives students the power to think for themselves, shaped by what they need to know, understand and fulfil, in order to have happy, successful and prosperous lives.  Essential as good examination results are, students should be inspired by excellent teaching, strong relationships with staff and enrichment, into whatever pathway they choose as they move into the next stage of their lives.

We aspire for every child to work hard, be kind and aim high.  This is underpinned by our whole school priorities of Exemplary behaviour, great teaching and connecting communities. We aim for a culture of exemplary behaviour through clear and high expectations, positive reinforcement, and consistent practices, so that behaviour is conducive to learning, where students show respect for themselves and others.  Where high-quality teaching meets the needs of all students and promotes continuous improvement so that we are truly inclusive enabling students to feel safe, have a sense of belonging and can be successful learners.  We create a strong, inclusive school culture, where everyone feels valued and connected, so attendance is high and there is a strong sense of belonging.

The school is on a rapid improvement journey and our approach and school culture is set by us, through our shared purpose and vision.  We will ensure our culture is one of collective optimism whilst being relentless with our routines and demonstrate visible kindness to the school community.   

For our strategy to succeed our school culture has to enable the behaviours (relentless routines and visible kindness) we expect to see every minute of every day so they become our ‘norms’.  All adults need to be aligned to our culture and strategy and model these behaviours. 

Mr James Lamb


Our Values = PROUD


Read our Winter edition of PosiTIV – our journal that celebrates the variety of opportunities both students and staff have experienced over the past term.



Find documents relating to our OFSTED inspections here.

Teaching & Learning

Information about our curriculum and curriculum resources.

Student Life

How we support and enrich our student's time at THS.


Information about our safeguarding practices including contact details.

Year 6 Open Evening

We warmly welcome all current year 6 students and their families to our annual Year 6 Open Evening. 

Tuesday 8th October 5pm – 7pm. 

No booking required. 

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