Year 6 Open Evening
Our annual Year 6 Open Evening is Tuesday 8th October and we warmly invite year 6 students and their families to visit between 5-7pm.
We inspire
We encourage
We enable
We build
We create
Young people are at the heart of everything we do. We all want our children to flourish at school. Government statistics and OfSTED reports show students at Tiverton High School are successful. Teachers are able to challenge their students because they know them very well and engage with them as individuals. They know that there is no such thing as an ordinary child; that every child is extraordinary in some way and we are all committed to releasing that individual spark. We believe that inspiration is the key; children are fires to be lit, not urns to be filled!
Our annual Year 6 Open Evening is Tuesday 8th October and we warmly invite year 6 students and their families to visit between 5-7pm.
Last night saw two more national cup fixtures against Uffculme and both were excellent encounters displaying the best of school sport – engaging, inclusive and
It was lovely to see so many students and their families in school this morning to collect their GCSE results. As is always the case
Our annual Year 6 Open Evening is Tuesday 8th October and we warmly invite year 6 students and their families to visit between 5-7pm.
Last night saw two more national cup fixtures against Uffculme and both were excellent encounters displaying the best of school sport – engaging, inclusive and
It was lovely to see so many students and their families in school this morning to collect their GCSE results. As is always the case
Last night Miss Turner had the pleasure of going to Exeter University to see Lily B and Jacob O receive their Primary Engineer Winner Awards.
Find documents relating to our OFSTED inspections here.
Information about our curriculum and curriculum resources.
How we support and enrich our student's time at THS.
Information about our safeguarding practices including contact details.
We warmly welcome all current year 6 students and their families to our annual Year 6 Open Evening.
Tuesday 8th October 5pm – 7pm.
No booking required.